2008년 5월 4일 일요일


We talked about Human-Computer-Interaction last time. This week, we learned about Computer-Aid. Last week time and this week time class, I think that this conclude. The conclude is that which the computer has a large influence. And we recall this sentence. " Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships. " Computer includes technologies. (- I think) So, The topic of this time is a Computer-Aid. Computer-Aid is a large extent and vague. " Vauge " isn't so correct word.(nothing definite can be said on it.)The Computer-aid is related this part. I write a content in blogger and put on record. This act belongs to Computer-aid. Computer-aid definition simplicity is focus on aid. But, surplus to Computer definition this definition is a vast. H-C-I and Computer Aid are interaction. Human acted or ordered to computer, computer received order and executed this an instruction.We showed a image. That reflection(3 Dimensional, a drawing of city construct, a school of construct) goes with Computer-Aid. Computer helps a human order and practices andilluminates our eyes(through monitor).

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